Just recently, Jamaican sprint star Usain Bolt crossed the finish line in the 100 meter run at the Reebok Grand Prix at Randall Island in New York clocking at 9.74 s
econds. He set a World Record. It was an absolutely rare moment of jubilation. When he was interviewed, his comment really struck me. He said, "I wasn't looking for a world record, it was there for the taking."

I was thinking what would be better than a world record? I thought the man was a ballon-headed, too proud and too egoistic temporal athlete. But what Bolt said next explained everything to me. "You can have the world record, but to me, if you don't have a gold medal in the Olympics or world championships, it means nothing." This man sure knows what really matters.
In our company, we encourage the same spirit of competition so we give out the President's Cup. A marketing team can only get it after three consecutive months of being the topnotch
performer in sales production. Last June 2008, Mt. Zion - Baliwag team lost their bid for their first ever President's Cup to Mt. Zion - Dagupan who stole their 3rd month run with a margin of 18 lots. It was a heartbreaking loss!
But that is what competition is all about - putting up a good fight and winning. To fight and to win, follow this great piece of advise from antiquity. In the olden times, when Mongols were attacking China, the General of the Army immediately reported to the emperor the impending defeat in the border. The emperor ordered, "Send all able-bodied male from all families." The General replied, "Your Highness, should we at least leave one male for each family so that he may continue raising up more children for the empire?"
"No! Send them all!" the emperor roared. "One man could be the difference between victory and defeat. Remember, a grain of rice can tip the scale."
To our competing teams out there, send all your recruits and your men so you may seal your victory!
As Charles Horton put it. “The general fact is that the most effective way of utilizing human energy is through an organized rivalry, which by specialization and social control is, at the same time, organized co-operation.” It is not important how you achieved your goal, what really counts is what you have become.
thanks, jack!
For me competition is good if it is a healthy one. Human tends to compete for attention , wealth , prestige and fame. But always remember that competition can either be Destructive or Cooperative . Destructive in the sense that just because of this competition there will be a need to eliminate or damage competing individual or group. The other one which is cooperative which i do very much prefer , is a competition that promotes mutual survival of individuals, they compete to improve their level of level happiness, it is done in a peaceful manner and without violating other people's right.As an employee i would love to have cooperative competition with my colleagues . But as a wife , my HUSBAND, needs a SUPPORTER and not a RIVAL.
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