Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Starbucks Connection

"That one is more beautiful," said Elvie.  I was hugging the yellow 2014 Starbucks Planner close to my chest as I pose for a close up selfie.  The year 2013 is about to end and my staff and a bevy of MZMI employees stormed the nearest Starbucks outlet to make sure they'd get one planner as a birthday present for me.  They know I'm collecting the planners since 2007.  Elvie and Rod were able to haul them all for a coffee break immediately after lunch.

The feeling of satisfaction for having the planner was swiftly overtaken by a great sense of appreciation for their united act of filling up the Starbucks card.  In reality, all my Starbucks planner would have not been possible through my own efforts.  First, I'm not a coffee drinker.  Second, my lifestyle does not permit me to be sitting pretty much often in coffee stands.  I'd remember and appreciate Starbucks not for its coffee and its almost ubiquitous stores  but the relationships among friends and colleagues that it builds and cultivates daily... directly and indirectly.  My collection of Starbucks Planners is testament to that unseen positive force that energizes friendship.

The year has just started and I'm already looking forward to November 2014 where one can once again start filling up that Starbucks Planner card.  Another building block to strengthen the connection even more. 

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